Wednesday, August 26, 2009


To the guy who rode through my snot rocket mist today, I'm sorry. When you confronted me about it, I should have said my apologies and been done with it. Instead we had to have a useless argument about who was wrong, me for snotting or you for being in my draft. Please know that I did everything I could to keep you out of the line of fire. I would also hope that you are aware that in the world of cycling these things happen. Just a few months ago I was the victim of a snot rocket. And not just the mist mind you, I took the full brunt of the thing on my shorts. So, please remember it's a dirty world out there, and if you get a little snot on you, it's only a small portion of the nastiness that we ride through and get sprayed with everyday.

And for all you reading this, remember, trying to carry on a dialogue with someone while riding a bike or in a car is pointless. In the end everyone involved is more pissed and set in their ways than before the interaction began.

Monday, August 10, 2009

I was going to post this on the wedding blog, but thought better of it. Really though I doubt any one is checking the wedding blog because they keep asking me questions that could easily be solved if they had checked said blog. Of no one reads this blog either but I'm taking comfort in the fact that it's out there.
with friends like these...


Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Suffered the worst lost in my softball career last night. We lost track of the actual total but I think it was somewhere around 45-4. At what point does the complete annihilation of one company's softball team at the hands of a much larger and well financed company's team become unpleasant for everyone involved. I'd as it was around the 30 runs mark. After that they stopped cheering and hung their heads as low as ours.

I've never been much of a sportsman. I'm a sore loser, no doubt about it, but this lose was so bad I went from sore loser, to delirious with shame, to silliness at the absurdity of it all. We have another game next week and I was really hoping wedding stuff would interfere with me playing. However, looking at the schedule it seems like I'm going to be free that day. Think I'll have to fake an injury. I don't think my ego can suffer another humiliation like that.

Monday, August 03, 2009

another slow news day.

I've been feeling nauseous all day. Hope it's not sickness. My best guess is that it's a combination diet and stress. Wedding jitters may be getting the best of me.

The world at large probably has no desire to hear about my stomach issues, but like I said, slow news day.