Is it just me or is baseball even more boring than usual this season. Now, I love baseball, but for most people it's slow and tedious to watch. I have to agree sometimes, but for me it's a game that's all about the drama. Unfortunately, this season they've left out the drama. Here are three examples of why I feel this way:
1) With three weeks left to play in the regular season every division race has pretty much been locked up. Both wild card races are some what close but not really. For a lot fans, once
your team is out of it, the games tend to have less meaning. With only 8-9 teams still in it, that makes for a lot of pointless baseball.
2) There is no under dog in the fight. Last year it was the Rays, the year before that the Indians. These teams were fun to watch and nobody expected them to get as far as they did. This year I don't feel that way about any team. All the teams leading their division were expect to do well and subsequently are. With the exception of maybe the Detroit Tigers, who are always the underdog, but whom I do not know much about.
3) I'm sick to death of hearing about the Red Socks and the Yankees. Sometimes I get the feeling that if every other team in the MLB save Sox/Yanks completely stopped playing games, 75% of people who watch baseball, wouldn't notice the difference. Seriously. I'm also sick of the arguement that the Amercian League is so much better than the National League. This may be true but to run this story into the ground not only disheartens fans but also the world series.
One good thing though is the season is almost over, and once it is, then everyone who's team didn't do so well can go back to thinking about next season. It's a magical time where all our hopes and dreams can come true, if only in our minds for a few short months.
Also, you never know how the playoffs will shape up. It could be fun and I may get excited about the game once again, who knows.