Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Forgiving: 10-04-09

To the guy who parked his mini van in the bike lane, while he talked to someone on the sidewalk:
I forgive you.
It's probably been years since you have ridden a bike, and since that time a lot has changed. You see, people now use their bikes as transportation. We share the road with cars and at times bicycles get their own lane. In this case you were in that bike lane on a two lane road, that serves many cars and bikes during rush hour commutes. By parking your mini van in the bike lane, cyclists were forced to take the "car" lane, where we are not welcome (I and many other cyclists can attest to this by the amount of honking that occurs when we are in the least bit in said lane). But as I said, you are probably not aware of this fact, and for that I forgive you.

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