Monday, May 10, 2010

Reclaiming Life

For a long time I've been abstaining from writing about work here on this blog. While bits of work do slip through every now and again, most criticism of it was left out. While I won't be changing that policy anytime soon, I will for this post break the rule.

Last month Allie and I decided it was time to purchase a house. After much searching we found a great house in a great location. The proper paper work was drawn up and we were in mid swing, when my full time employer decided it was a good time to let me go. Now, I won't go into names but certain people knew I was in the process of purchasing a house, and I'll bet money they also knew I was about to get let go. Regardless, As of last week I did not have a full time job any longer, which also meant I had no way of qualifying for a loan for a house.

So, the last few days have been pretty hard on both of us. For me, it's been this primordial feeling that the one job I'm supposed to do, provide, is not getting done. It's been tough, adjusting to the fact that this underlining feeling inside me, to provide, can not be accomplished.

After much soul searching and many a good friends helping me out in my time of need, I came to the conclusion that I was indeed better off. Although we would not be getting the house we hoped at the end of the month, I was free from the bondage that created such frustration and anger.

Such is the way of god and life. I've spent the majority of my career freelancing, and while at times it can be tough, I feel that I may be better off working for myself. I've never been one for offices or corporate mentality. Unfortunately, after talking with our realtor today, I realize that that freedom comes with a price. Self employed people must show at least two years of income on their tax reports to qualify for a mortgage loan. Since, I'll be starting over again with my self employment it may be sometime before we are able to buy a house.

What's done is done, and for now all I can do is be fortunate for what I have, my health, my family/friends, and the most supportive wife anyone could ever ask for. I have no great words of wisdom to end this post. I know that I will get up tomorrow, the sun will be shining, and I'll continue to live my life the best I know how.

Thanks to everybody for all the support they have shown Allie and I through this turbulent time.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I am REALLY sorry to hear that, that is really unfair. I'm glad that you're feeling better and have a good grasp on the situation despite the fact that you have every right to be seriously mad.
Being a provider, isn't about money. It's about being there. And you are. I don't think that your wife would trade you for anything, or think any less of you. Especially in this situation that wasn't your fault.
Sending lots of love to you snd your lovely wife.
I am so sorry this happened to you.