Tuesday, March 09, 2010

dope sheet, kinda

Some details about the image I posted last night. In the crudest sense it's what we in the animation industry call a dope sheet. The idea being that these graphs help time out the animation and line up each drawing with the corresponding drawings.

For the scene I'm working on currently, I felt it would be quicker if I separated parts of the characters body onto different layers. While there is 44 frames of actual animation not every body part moves through out those 44. If I separate say the left arm, once it stops moving I can just hold that drawing on the rest of the body for the duration of the scene.

On a true dope sheet, the time line for the entire scene would be broken down, including the hold frames. For this scene I'm just marking where the hold frames will be with an "H" or #.

Here's what an actual dope sheet looks like.

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